IQAC Centre for research and publications and department for research studies organized a faculty development program on “Writing and Publishing Research Papers” by Dr. Amitabh Anand Associate Professor, Excelia Business School in La Rochelle, France, at School of Social Work, Roshni Nilaya.

The event commenced on 8th July 2022, at 10 am in Maria Paiva Hall presided by the eminent resource person Dr.Amitabh Anand and Prof. Evelyn Benis, HOD MSW Department. Ms.Jinsa Joseph, faculty, MSW department, hosted the event. Chithara, student from MSW led the participants in prayer. Dr.Meena Monteiro, Dean, research and publications welcomed everyone and introduced the resource person beginning with the phrase, ‘life is always growing and developing’.

Dr. Amitabh Anand addressed the gathering with a grateful heart for inviting him to the school of social work, Roshni Nilaya. He also expressed that this coming back was a pleasure. He advised the participants, where exactly our written articles need to be published, and not to get fooled by the fake journal publication centers. He also enlightened on the aspects to keep in mind while working on the research papers. He made the session effective with his profound knowledge and kept the participants at ease in the learning process.

The resource person also clarified questions from the participants. A total of 22 faculties from PG and UG departments participated in the event. Ms. Evelyn Benis concluded the session by proposing the vote of thanks.



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