FDP on “Re- Commitment to Excellence, Expansion and Equity in Education”

FDP on “Re- Commitment to Excellence, Expansion and Equity in Education” was organized on Tuesday, Aug 16, 2022 in Maria Paiva Hall from 9:30 am to 2:00 pm. Rev Fr. Dr. A.I. Anthony Sebastian, Principal, Christ College of Arts & Science and Director, J D Academy of Excellence, Chennai, was the resource person. Asst. Prof. of Psychology, Ms. Roshini Goveas welcomed the gathering. Vice Principal Dr. Jenis Mary introduced the resource person. The Principal Dr. Juliet C J gave the presidential remarks.

Rev. Dr. A. I. Anthony began his session with an allegorical story of how one can make use of positive energy for constructive purpose. He said that education should be grounded and should be in touch with reality. Dr. Fr. Sebastian mentioned that because of various issues like gender identity, suicide, drug users, family and the use of digital platforms there is a need for continuous, constant, repurposing, revisioning and revitalizing of education. He also stressed on the importance of mentoring and team building in education and highlighted the qualities, activities and eleven effective habits of a mentor necessary for excellence, expansion and equity in education.

The session ended with the IQAC Coordinator Ms. Cecilia F. Goveas proposing the vote of thanks. The M.C of the programme was Asst. Prof. Ms. Vineetha Pereira from the department of English. Twenty five faculty members benefited from this FDP.










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