School of Social Work (Autonomous) Roshni Nilaya in collaboration with IQAC organised a workshop on Neuro Linguistic Programme for Beginners on July 8th & 9th 2024. This NLP Workshop was orgnised for II MSW students. The resource persons were Mr. Elvis Lopez, Shamya K C & Nibin Mathew, our own alumni trained from Chaitanya Conscious living and certified NLP grandmasters from STED council & BSS and SSR council. Initially Mr Lopez gave an introduction to NLP its techniques, applications. He further continued saying how this programming helped him personally. The transformation he saw in all three facilitators.

Neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) is a way of changing someone's thoughts and behaviors to help achieve desired outcomes for them. It may reduce anxiety and improve overall wellbeing. The popularity of neuro-linguistic programming or NLP has become widespread since it started in the 1970s. The resource person also helped the participants to start identifying the areas of their life where they would want to improve their motivation and productivity, such as work, health, or personal growth.
On 9th July 2024, an NLP session was conducted for the II MSW students at the School of Social Work, Roshni Nilaya. The morning session commenced with a reflective exercise, where the students were asked to recall the occurrences and learnings from the previous day. To facilitate engagement and openness, they were instructed to adopt an open posture. Each student then shared their experiences briefly, using a word or two to encapsulate their feelings and insights from the prior day's activities.

The first major segment of the session focused on the concept of sub modalities within Neuro-Linguistic Programming. The facilitator provided a detailed explanation of the different sensory modalities: visual, kinesthetic, olfactory, and gustatory. The session also covered the associated and dissociated methods for each sensory modality, highlighting how these techniques can influence personal experiences and perceptions.

A practical demonstration on anchoring emotions followed, in which a volunteer student was asked to recall a positive past memory. Through a specific touch technique, the facilitator helped the student anchor this positive memory, illustrating how physical touch can trigger and reinforce positive emotional states.

The session then transitioned into a therapeutic phase aimed at personal healing from past traumas. This part of the session was particularly impactful, as many students experienced a release of grief and negative emotions. Key activities included a basketball post position exercise, where trainees imagined themselves beating drums to release built-up emotions and disturbances from their past. Additionally, a reconciliation exercise was conducted, where students took a sleeping posture and were guided to mentally reconcile with their parents. This exercise allowed them to express their emotions openly, leading to significant emotional venting and healing.

Following the therapy sessions, the trainees embraced their emotions by hugging and shaking hands with each other. This physical connection fostered a sense of solidarity and mutual support among the group.

Post lunch, an activity was conducted and the participants were divided into 2 groups , the primary aim being to understand ourselves better, enhance positivity and instill a feeling in oneself that he/she is not alone in their battles. The ones who were seated were asked to recreate a situation in their mind while the ones standing kept going around in circles reminding each one that they are being loved. Another session on ‘memory anchoring’ followed.

In conclusion, the workshop ended on a high note with feedback from the participants. This workshop benefitted the students to open up & understand themselves better. There were 60 participants all together.




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