Sociology Economics forum in association with IQAC organised an awareness programme on Digital Banking and Cyber Security for the II and III BA students on Thursday November 17th, 2022 at 11:45 am in the college auditorium. The resource person for the session was Mr. Kiran Kumar Nayak, Senior Manager, Union Bank of India. the programme began with Head of the department of Economics and IQAC coordinator Ms. Cecila F Goveas introducing the resource person of the day Mr. Kiran Kumar Nayak. After the introduction the resource person took over the session. Mr. Nayak told the students that in recent times the cases of cyber crime have gone up considerably and everyone needs to be aware of how the criminals are using the digital space to commit the crimes. He mainly spoke of three types of cyber crimes namely phishing, vishing and juice jacking.He explained to the students how phishing is done by using emails, messages and links sent through social media.









The cyber criminals by using this technique gain access to the devices of the people and gain access to confidential data and miss use it and also clone the data. The second type of cyber crime about which he talked about was vishing which is a call based fraud used to extract personal information from the people. He told students not to use public wifi and charging facilities as these facilities are also used for data theft. He went on to tell the students about how VPN is used in cyber crime and data theft. In the final part of his session he spoke about how cyber crimes can be prevented. He told students not to share personal information, bank details, PIN and passwords with anyone. Not to entertain fraudulent calls, don't download pirated softwares or movies or games, deny unwanted permissions to applications on phones or computers, keep a strong alphanumeric password and regularly change them. The programme ended with Ms Cecila F Goveas proposing a vote of thanks.A total of 71 students participated in the awareness programme.

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