As a part of practical curriculum, the second-year students of Post Graduate department of Criminology and Forensic Science, Forensic Psychology and Criminal Justice Specialization accompanied by Mr. Niketh P.S, Assistant Professor, MSc Criminology and Forensic Science (CFS) of the college had visited INCHARA: A Non-Governmental Organization Working for the Crime Victims on Thursday, 17th February 2024 at 10 am.

The main objective of the visit was to learn the functions of Non-Governmental Organization working for the survivors of Child Sexual Abuse. Ms. Sowjanya, Program Coordinator and Researcher briefed the overall functioning of the organization. Further, she explained about the projects taken up by the organization and the awareness programmes conducted along with the cases undertaken pertaining to the child sexual abuses. Some of the primary initiatives that the NGO manages include the Model Safe School initiative, Inchara home, and Mental Counselling Center, Puttur. In addition to this, the organisation also provides vocational training, computer training, and engages in craft-making, to help the children that come in to help them stand on their feet.

Students expressed that the visit gave them an insight to set up an NGO, various training and services provided by them, and challenges faced during the rescue and rehabilitation of crime victims. The visit concluded with a vote of thanks delivered by Ms. Aishwarya Sathya, a student of MSc CFS at 11:15 am. Altogether, 7 students, one intern and one faculty of the department, were present during the visit.


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